“Measure it with micrometer, mark it with chalk, and cut it with axe.”
Why soil/rock testing?
In order to understand the behavior of the soil/rock for given constructional stage it is necessary to classify them and understand its state. Some properties are intrinsic to the composition of the soil/rock matrix and are not affected by sample disturbance, while other properties depend on the structure of the soil as well as its composition, and can only be effectively tested on relatively undisturbed samples. What are the necessary soil / rock test required? A definite number of tests are not prescribed for soil/rock testing. Depending upon the magnitude the project, state of soil/rock, ground water conditions, seismic zone of the location etc., determine the number of tests required to be performed on soil/rock. Tests are performed in-situ and laboratory In-situ testing is generally performed during the geotechnical investigation. These tests generally reveal the natural state of soil/rock and analyze its density, strength, permeability properties. Laboratory tests are broadly classified into two divisions. Tests are performed in order to “Classify” the material under specific category. Also test are performed in order to understand its engineering behavioral properties. These tests are standardized and performed in accordance to codal provisions of BIS, ASTM, BS or any other foreign codes. |
What we can offer:
Field Tests
o Penetration tests – SPT, CPT o In-situ density tests – Core Cutter, Sand Replacement tests o Permeability tests in soil and rock Laboratory tests of Soil o Index Properties tests § Moisture Content, Density tests o Classification tests § Particle Size Distribution tests – Sieve analysis and Hydrometer Analysis § Atterberg Limits – Liquid, Plastic and shrinkage limits. o Engineering Properties § Compaction tests § Consolidation testing § Hydraulic Conductivity tests § Shear Strength tests –Direct Shear, UCC and Triaxial Tests. o Chemical Properties of soils Laboratory testing of rock o Index Properties o Strength Tests – Point load tests and UCC strength tests. |