“If a builder builds a house for a man and does not make its construction firm, and the house which he has built collapses and causes the death of the owner of the house, that builder shall be put to death.”
The Code of Hammurabi, Babylon, circa 2000 BC
Design of Foundation:
Design of foundation involves 3 aspects, structural, geotechnical and construction engineering. A foundation is a structural member that must be capable of transmitting the applied loads to the soils underneath and supports the structure. Hence, WE equip our knowledge to understand the sources and nature of structural loads, structure’s tolerance of foundation movements and the principles and practices of structural engineering. All kinds of foundation interact with ground, so the design must reflect the engineering properties and behavior of the adjacent soil and rock taking into account of bearing capacity and settlement failures. Thus, WE understand geotechnical engineering aspects related to design. Finally, foundations must be built. Although the actual construction is performed by contractors and construction engineers, as design engineers WE keep thorough understanding of construction methods and equipments to develop a design that is economically built. |
Our Design Capabilities:
Shallow foundations o Individual Foundation – Square, Rectangular, Circle. o Continuous Foundation o Combined Foundation o Raft Foundation o Ring Foundation Deep Foundation o Pile cap and Pile foundation. o Well Foundation. |